Types of Synthetic Ice

Types of Synthetic Ice

Polar Icegel is a reusable synthetic ice produced in Italy and certified by Biolab laboratories for use in the transport of food products and all those products that do not tolerate interruptions in the cold chain.
This revolutionary refrigeration system was created and developed to maintain and transport all perishable products such as food, flowers, medicines at a controlled temperature.
Thanks to its original and exclusive formula, the Polar Icegel synthetic ice guarantees the optimal temperature during transport, also allowing, unlike dry ice, savings of up to 60% on transport costs.
We produce and distribute synthetic ice in different solutions: the reel, the half reel, the reel sheets, the cell bearings, the bags.

Polar Icegel serves those who owe it:

  • start an e-commerce of fresh products.
  • carry drugs and cosmetics.
  • transporting meats and cheeses.
  • carry truffles and caviar.
  • transporting fish products.
  • transport all fresh and perishable foodstuffs.

The Coil is a synthetic sheet ice composed of 10,272 cells to be activated by immersing it in water for a couple of hours.

Why buy our product?

  • it is the cheapest on the market.
  • shipping costs, being a reel in sheets weighing 13 kg, are negligible.
  • the saving of space in the management of the product is considerable thanks to its dimensions which are cm. 40x40x40 but that activated develops 376 kg. of ice ready to freeze and use.
  • very low economic impact in the cost of shipping at controlled temperatures.
  • the sheet can be cut according to the quantity needed for use in the shipment, even in a single cell.
  • it’s reusable.
  • it is ductile and flexible thanks to the spaces between the cells.
  • It can be ordered whole or even pre-cut at 6, 12 or 24 cells according to your needs.
  • it is distinguished by a strong identity: italo.

Purchase recommended to:

  • who has to manage the shipments of fresh products of an e-commerce.
  • to those who must use disposable ice.
  • to those with space problems.

The half coil gives the possibility of being able to purchase a reduced quantity of cells to those who need to carry out fewer shipments.

I fogli di bobina pre-cut with 6 to 12 or 24 cells can be purchased individually and suitable for those who need to make a few shipments or do not want to buy one or half full reels because they are at the start of their business. With this solution and a minimum purchase, you have the opportunity to test our product and start shipping temperature-controlled products.

The Ice Pads synthetic are none other than the coil sheets activated by us and put under vacuum. Suitable for those who need to have a product immediately to be frozen and used, avoiding the passage of water absorption necessary for the sheets.

The Ice Packs are the classic synthetic ice blocks that we produce in the 250g and 500g versions. Suitable for those who need a thinner product to be used in the assembly of the package to be shipped. Unlike the cells they are not foldable and remain rigid.

Spedisci prodotti italiani in tutto il mondo? Vuoi dargli più valore ed identità? Da oggi lo puoi fare con Italo: il ghiaccio sintetico tricolore. Utilizza Italo e marca la tua identità.

Le nostre soluzioni sono comprensive anche di contenitori di polistirolo di varie misure studiati per la spedizione di differenti prodotti che devono viaggiare a temperatura controllata. Distribuiamo box in polistirolo dallo spessore di 2,5 cm e Siberbox, un contenitore  dallo spessore di 4 cm adatto alle spedizioni di prodotti che necessitano di una maggiore e più lunga  stabilizzazione della temperatura. I nostri contenitori sono omologati per il trasporto con corrieri, idonei al contatto alimentare e conformi alle normative igenico sanitarie in vigore. Adatti per il trasporto di medicinali, alimenti freschi e fiori.

I kit per la spedizione a temperatura controllata sono delle soluzoni create per chi ha la necessità di spedire merce a temperatura controllata  acquistando un solo prodotto. Il kit è composto da un contenitore di polistirolo e da cuscinetti di cellette di ghiaccio sintetico. Adatto anche a  chi deve spedire delle campionature o prodotti freschi ad amici e parenti lontani.


Kit per spedizione surgelati per prodotti freschi o surgelati. Tutto il necessario per una spedizione facile, veloce e a temperatura controllata. Il kit è composto da: 1 box contenitore Siber Box in EPS-Polistirene espanso sintetizzato da 24 litri+4 cuscinetti da 12 cellette  di ghiaccio sintetico Polar Icegel Italo+imballo esterno protettivo in cartone ondulato. Prodotto con polistirene espanso sinterizzato vergine con densità 20 kg/mc. Sostanze inerti: acqua, soluzioni saline, soluzioni alcaline, acidi diluiti e deboli, alcoli, oli siliconici, sostanze organiche e inorganiche in generale, ecc. L’EPS è chimicamente neutro, non è idrosolubile e non cede sostanze o residui che possano alterare i prodotti all’interno. Il box Siber Box è inodore e non si decompone col tempo.